The CMI Bulletin
More than a place - We’re a community
MARCH 2025
SERIES 109 No. 7
Our beloved Cantor Arthur Giglio is retiring on June 30, 2025 and his last Cantor’s Concert & Fundraiser will be on Sunday afternoon, March 30, 2025 at 3:00 p.m., with a pre-concert FUNdraising and light nosh reception beginning at 2:00 p.m.
Cantor G. has invited his most favorite Jewish choirs to fill our halls with music. They are the world-famous Zamir Chorale and Zamir Noded (young adult choir) from New York City. Both choral groups are under the wonderful direction of Matthew Lazar, founder of the Zamir Choral Foundation. As its website states, “Zamir is guided by an expansive vision of vibrant Jewish identity across the generational, denominational, and political continuum through the arts.” This is a concert for all - young and old. Families are especially encouraged to attend.
Cantor’s Concert tickets are $72 per adult, with children under age 18 welcome for free. As in the past, sponsor-level giving is necessary to cover the cost of the concert and support CMI’s range of programming. We invite you to engage in the mitzvah of giving as generously as you can to honor Cantor G. as he prepares for his retirement! Your gift at any level will also help celebrate CMI’s past andsecure its future.
This year, in recognition of Cantor Giglio’s many contributions to our congregation, an anonymous CMI family has made an especially generous offer to celebrate his music and menschlichkeit. This family’s remarkable $100,000 challenge gift will match sponsorships of $5,000 or more. We have already received several generous gifts at this level or higher to honor Cantor G.! Shared or group sponsorships at or above that level qualify for the match. For more information on how to register for group sponsorships, please contact the CMI Office at 203.288.3877.
Our Cantor’s Concert is CMI’s major annual fundraising event and a very special one for Cantor G. Be sure to be there to share the joy with him! You can register, donate and/or become a sponsor on our website at cmihamden.org. Alternatively, you can return the enclosed registration/donation form to CMI directly. We look forward to celebrating with all of you!!!
A Personal Message From Cantor Giglio
I want to personally invite you all to join me on Sunday, March 30 for my last and most glorious Cantor's Concert Fundraiser! Come be immersed in the 50 Voices of the Zamir and Noded Chorales from New York City. This concert is not to be missed and your Generous Donations will seriously help our community and complete my legacy. Be part of the Celebration!
Shabbat Services
Join your CMI community for Shabbat Services each Friday evening and Saturday mornings when we have a B’Mitzvah to celebrate!
Exodus 27:20 - 30:10
Friday, March 7
6:00 p.m. Refugee Shabbat Service
7:00 p.m. Oneg
Exodus 30:11 - 34:35
Friday, March 14
5:00 p.m. Arts & Appetizers
6:00 p.m. Shabbat Family Service & Purim Spiel (3rd & 4th grade participating)
SHABBAT P’KUDEI Exodus 38:21 - 40:38
Friday, March 28
5:30 p.m. Pre Oneg
6:00 p.m. Shabbat Service with Torah reading by Jeremy Schwartz
Thank you to our March greeters:
Ivey Cooley, Sarah Greenblatt, Karen Kimball and Richard Shaw
Chesed Team Outreach
Please also know that our Chesed team is here to help with any congregant in need of companionship/personal visits, food insecurity and rides. ALL information and requests will be kept confidential. If you or someone you know is in need of any of these resources, please contact the CMI office at 203-288-3877.
A Message From Rabbi Schaefer
Can I interest you in a farcical story about a temperamental King and his power-hungry advisor? What if it was set to music from the hit musical Wicked?!
We will be celebrating Purim on Friday, March 14 with programs for all ages. So please join us before services for Arts & Appetizers, a Purim spiel led by our teens, or afterwards at a local brewery to wish each other ah freilichen Purim over a refreshing beverage.
At a time when truth is being distorted and speech is being policed, art and religion are powerful forms of communication and resistance. At the heart of the Purim story are the courageous actions of Mordechai who refuses to bow down to the King’s evil advisor and Queen Esther who risks her own safety and privilege to save her people through wit and charm.
During this month, may we find humor in the stories of our tradition and inspiration in their messages. May we also find the strength to live out the old adage - mishenichnas Adar, marbim b’simcha - When the month of Adar arrives, we increase our joy.
L’shalom, Rabbi Schaefer
It is with great pleasure that I announce the appointment of Sierra Jade Fox as the next Cantor of Congregation MishkanIsrael. She will assume her position on the bimah on July 1. Many of you had the chance to meet Cantor Fox during her interviews here earlier this year, have heard her beautiful voice and have seen how well she fits in with our community.
Cantor Fox graduated with highest honors from Syracuse University with a Bachelor of Music degree in Vocal Performance and Religion & Society. She completed graduate work towards a Master of Music degree in Vocal Performance at Temple University and towards a Master of Social Work degree at Widener University. She is currently attending Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion where she is a Tisch/Star Fellow. Upon completing a Master of Sacred Music program, her Cantorial Ordination will take place in May 2025.
Cantor Fox held the positions of student cantorial intern, b’mitzvah tutor, Religious School instructor and soloist at Temple Emanuel of South Hills in Pittsburgh, PA, East End Temple and Central Synagogue in New York City, Congregation Beth Yam in Hilton Head, SC, and Keneseth Israel Synagogue in Elkins Park, PA, from 2014 to 2023.
She is currently a Cantorial Intern at the Park Avenue Synagogue in New York City and served as a Tisch-Star Summer Cantorial Intern at Congregation Beth Elohim in Brooklyn, NY, last summer.
She is the recipient of numerous awards and prizes.
I want to express my deepest appreciation to the search committee chairs Dalton King & Corey Stone and to the committee members: Michele Abrams, Dana Astmann, David Chevan, Mandi Jackson, Elise Miller, Hedda Rubenstein, Erica Spatz, and Jonathan Zabin for the many hours, days, and weeks that they selflessly gave of their time.
There will be scheduled opportunities to meet Cantor Fox over the summer, which will appear in a future CMI Bulletin as well as in the e-news.
Alan J. Sturtz, Ed.D. President
We have an exciting new opportunity for you to be able to send special Purim goodies to family and friends! CMI is collaborating with Sweet Seidner’s Bake Shop, a kosher bakery in Hamden, CT to provide several delicious baked treat options. An added benefit is that CMI will receive a portion of all sales back as a donation from Seidner’s. This is a great time to send your college student a special treat, to cheer up a friend who may need a smile or just reach across the miles (or nearby) to say hello to a friend or relative. Please visit our special Seidner’s web page to place an order. Happy Purim!
*Shipping will begin on Wednesday, March 5th*
We invite you to Meeting the Moment: What the Jewish Past Teaches About the Future, a powerful three-part series exploring American Jewish history and the influences shaping our community today. In a time that challenges our identity and beliefs, this is an opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations and contribute to a hopeful future. Registration begins next week. All members of the Jewish community are welcome to attend all sessions.
Full Series: $36 | Individual Sessions: $18
Covers admission for up to 2 household members
Explore the depths of American Jewish history and connect with the stories that shape our times. In a period that has tested our community's resilience, it's important to come together to understand the influences that impact our lives.
Our community stands at a crucial point, considering our identity, beliefs, and sense of security. "Meeting the Moment" is a thoughtful space for engaging conversations, expert perspectives, and finding a way forward. This is an opportunity to address our challenges with insight and collective effort, building bridges of understanding and unity.
Join us for a meaningful exploration of these topics. By participating, you contribute to a dialogue that can lead to positive change. Reserve your place and be part of crafting a hopeful future for our community.
Sponsored by Congregation Mishkan Israel, Congregation B'nai Jacob, Temple Beth Sholom, and The Jewish Historical Society of Greater New Haven.
Seminar #1 - U.S. Jewish Responses in Times of Trauma
Sunday, March 9, 2025, 9:30 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. Congregation Mishkan Israel, Hamden
This talk examines how American Jews have reacted to communal crises through exploration of Jews' historical engagement in political advocacy, institution building, and social activism. Examining how Jews in the United States have responded to threats to communal security at home and abroad, this talk illuminates similarities and differences between Jewish generations past and present.
Bio: Britt P. Tevis, J.D., Ph.D., is the Phyllis Backer Assistant Professor in Jewish Studies in the Department of History at the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse University. Her work focuses on the intersection of Jews and American law with a special emphasis on the study of antisemitism.
Session 2 - Israel – The Generational Divide: Reflections on Jewish Generational Conflict
Sunday, March 30, 2025, 9:30 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.
Temple Beth Sholom, Hamden
Israel has become a flashpoint not only between groups of American Jews but between parents and children. In this lecture, Dr. Dan Judson will reflect on two recent courses he has taught for parents who are struggling with their childrens’ perspectives on Israel. Dr. Judson will place this generational context in historical context, looking at other moments of generational divide within the Jewish community.
Rabbi Dan Judson, Ph.D. serves as the Provost of Hebrew College in Newton, MA where is also a lecturer in Jewish history. Rabbi Judson received his doctorate in Jewish history at Brandeis University and his book, Pennies for Heaven: The History of American Synagogues and Money (University of Chicago Press, 2018) was a finalist for the National Jewish Book Award. He is presently working on a book about American Zionist history, When America Became Zionist: The Lodge-Fish Resolution of 1922 and the Surprising Group of Politicians who Changed American Policy Towards Israel. His research and writing on new models of synagogue finance have appeared in The New York Times, The Boston Globe, Haaretz, Reform Judaism magazine and many other Jewish publications. He is also a storyteller who has appeared on the MOTH national radio hour.
2024-2025 Chai Holy Day Campaign
Thank you to everyone who has already donated to this year's Chai Campaign! We are getting closer to our annual goal of $180,000, but we need all of our congregants to help reach that goal. The past couple of years have stretched Mishkan Israel financially and we hope that you will contribute as generously as you are able to make sure we can flourish.
Please make a gift today -- increments of Chai are welcome, but we also value participation in ANY amount. Please give what you can!
Below are gifts that we have received at the time of press.
SIMCHA David & Karen Astrachan Jerome & Roslyn Meyer
MITZVAH David Silverstone
DOUBLE TORAH Batja Astrachan Ira & Marsha Moses
DOUBLE CHAI Sarah Greenblatt Judith Hahn Jim Horwitz & Sandy Allison Sue McDonald & Corey Stone Hedda Rubenstein & Michael Dimenstein Mark & Judy Sklarz
TORAH Jeffrey & Clarky Sonnenfeld
CHAI Anonymous Betsy Hahn Barnston Irwin Braverman Herb & Elin Brockman Stuart & Hedy Bush Floyd & Letty Caplan David & Julie Chevan Liza Comita & Simon Queenborough Marilyn Fishbone Debbie Freedman & Ben Ledbetter Scott & Abby Friedman Stan & Bobbi Friedman Nathan & Patricia Garland in honor of Sam, Alice, Becky, Jon & Cate Tamar Gendler & Zolan Szabo Steven & Roxanne Glaser Laura Goldblum John & Frances Gordon Avery Grauer & Adam Watsky John & Susan Hoffmann Robert Homer & Susan Fishbein Bill & Nancy Horowitz Ruth Koizim Joan Lakin Madeline Ravich & Scott Gaul William & Elaine Ravich Dave Rodnick in memory of Sally Levine David Schaefer & Janet Hall Larry Schaefer & Lina Lawall Jim & Cis Serling Richard & Marie Shaw Aaron Singer & Elizabeth Caspe Brian & Stephanie Slattery Rabbi Steven & Caryl Steinberg Alan & Jane Sturtz Barry Tenin in memory of Charlotte Herman Tenin Cheryl Tenin in memory of Charlotte Herman Tenin James & Susan Wildes Randy Wingate & Tanya Bilchik
Brenda Arovas Irma Bachman Amy & Timothy Barry Phyllis Bausher Alice Baxter Alan & Katherine Benard Jay Berger & Barbara Grossman Peter & Nancy Berdon David Berkowitz & Anne Watkins Bruce & Tansy Birenbaum Dana Brozinsky & John Keegan Richard L. Chorney Robert Cole Confronting Racism Planning Group Jack Crane Rochell Cummings Jeffrey & Susan Dorfman Bob & Tamara Epstein Stephanie Farber Jack & Harriet Fast Burt & Suzanne Finkel Eden & Allan Fisher Steven & Miriam Giskin Leah Glaser & Stephen Amerman Saul & Sonya Goldberg John & Frances Gordon Neil & Marlene Greenberg Herbert Hershenson Allan Hillman & Penny Marcus Mark & Sharon Horowitz Joel Jacobson Megan Janoff & Mel Yu Priscilla Jencks Benjamin & Maria Kahn Gerald & Geraldine Katz Ellyn Kaufman Cindy Kissin & John Jacobson
Al Klevorick & Susan Bender Wendy Kohli & Philip Bennett Meir & Barbara Kryger Lawrence Levenson Diane Lublin Barbara Marcus Sheldon & Nancy Messinger Nancy Moss-Racusin Bob & Susan Nobleman Nancy Olins Diane Orson & Tim Moran Karen Orzack-Moore & Daniel Moore Shirley Pripstein Jeff & Alyse Sabina David & Ruth Sack Rabbi Daniel Schaefer Leslye Schaefer Jeremy Schwartz & Tracy Rabin Barbara & Jim Segaloff Michael Silverberg Rabbi Howard Sommer & Dr. Linda Waldman Gennadiy Sorochan Pearl Spodick Jeanne Steiner & William Rosenblatt Michael Ross & Beth Stenger Karen Scholder Nanette Stahl Milton & Joan Wallack Bert & Martha Weisbart Marian Wexler Patricia Willens & Michael Loewenberg Cliff & True Wolff Jill Wurcel Nancy Yedlin & Peter Blasini Jonathan & Tracy Zabin
Recent Donations
TARGET AREAS - immediate use funds
BUILDING FUND Benjamin Grauer Kruger for the RAISE THE ROOF/MISHKANOPOLY CAMPAIGN Shirley Scholder for the RAISE THE ROOF/MISHKANOPOLY CAMPAIGN Martha Simpson for the RAISE THE ROOF/MISHKANOPOLY CAMPAIGN Erica Spatz & Jeffrey Turner for the RAISE THE ROOF/MISHKANOPOLY CAMPAIGN Jeanne Steinber & William Rosenblatt for the RAISE THE ROOF/MISHKANOPOLY CAMPAIGN GENERAL FUND Zhozefina Averbukh in memory of all my loved ones Michael Dimenstein & Hedda Rubenstein in memory of MARTHA RESNIKOV REISMAN Eden & Allan Fisher in memory of CLAIRE GELLER STEIGER Sarah B. Greenblatt in honor of TAMARA EPSTEIN for her dedicated support Sarah B. Greenblatt in memory of ELAINE GREENBLATT GLADSTEIN Sarah B. Greenblatt in memory of SAMUEL F. GREENBLATT Sarah B. Greenblatt in honor of STEVEN JACOBER for his dedicated support Sarah B. Greenblatt in honor of SARAH LEGASSEY for her dedicated support Ruth Koizim in memory of MOSES KOIZIM Meir & Barbara Kryger in memory of ROSE KRYGER Meir & Barbara Kryger in memory of SAMUEL KRYGER Meir & Barbara Kryger in memory of EARL ROSENBLUM Meir & Barbara Kryger in memory of EVELYN ROSENBLUM John Lehman in memory of RHODA LEHMAN John Lehman in memory of ROGER LEHMAN Joel & Lorraine Roseman in memory of MORRIS ROSEMAN Matthew & Rosie Rubin in memory of JEFFREY RUBIN Robert & Maxine Wallace in memory of RICK WALLACE MUSIC FUND Paula Adelson & Janet Rozman in memory of SONIA GROSSMAN RELIGIOUS SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT FUND Fred & Beth Richter in memory of SHIRLEY FIEDLER, devoted teacher & mentor RELIGIOUS SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Bob & Tamara Epstein in memory of SHIRLEY FIEDLER Ruth Koizim in memory of SHIRLEY FIEDLER, devoted teacher
“…who donates much to charity becomes the richer for it…”
Zohar, iii, 110b
ENDOWMENT FUNDS - invested funds for specific purposes
CEMETERY FUND Martin Korn & Sylvia Betcher in memory of ISADORE A. SCHYCON Leona Landau in memory of SOPHIE GREEN
RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Karen Kimball & Family in memory of DR. BERNARD SCHNEIDER Ruth Osterweis Selig in memory of NANCY ROSE OSTERWEIS ALDERMAN Ruth Osterweis Selig in memory of SALLY JO OSTERWEIS KOPMAN Ruth Osterweis Selig in memory of ROLLYN OSTERWEIS KRICHBAUM RuthOsterweis Selig in memory of ROLLIN GUSTAV OSTERWEIS Ruth Osterweis Selig in memory of RUTH MILDRED LOEWENSTEIN OSTERWEIS Martha Simpson in memory of DOROTHY SEIF Martha Simpson in memory of SAM SEIF
Religious School will NOT meet on Sunday, March 30
Judaism: New Interpretations of Old Ideas Sunday, March 2 at 11:00 a.m.
Rabbi Steinberg leads this special adult education offering. Jewish history is often taught as an unremitting history of suffering. That is not accurate. It is rather a complex interweaving of good times and bad times. Join us to discuss why Roman Jews cheered the destruction of the Temple, how Islam saved Judaism, why half of the Jews rejected the Talmud, why medieval towns sought Jewish settlement and who was the Jewish Trump in the 17th century? In addition, why the first historian to write a Jewish history was a French Catholic, why Herzl was not interested in the Dreyfus trial, why steamship lines opened offices to entice Jews to leave Lithuania and come to America. If any of these questions or ideas this interests you, please join us. No RSVP needed - we hope to see you there.
CMI Book Club
Wednesday, March 5 at 12:00 p.m.
We will discuss “Ghosts of a Holy War” by Yardena Schwartz. This book brings essential clarity to the complex and often confusing information about the century long conflict in the Middle East. Bring your own lunch. CMI will provide coffee & tea.
Refugee Shabbat Service
Friday, March 7 with services at 6:00 p.m. Oneg to follow
Please join us as we celebrate Shabbat and inform on the following topics: Judaism's commitment to welcoming the stranger, defining JCARR, understanding the differences between refugees, asylees, parolees, and immigrants, and finally an update on how the families we helped settle are doing.
Shabbat Schmooze Saturday, March 8, at 3:00 p.m.
Join us for a multigenerational Shabbat social with a potluck oneg, board games, craft supplies, and plenty of space to schmooze. This is a relaxed environment where everyone can enjoy Shabbat in community with minimal barriers (no services, sermons, or sitting still required). Schmooze is for all ages and life stages, so whether your game of choice is Candy Land, Chess, or Bridge, or you are just hoping to chat, snack, and relax with the community, we look forward to seeing you there!
Knitted Knockers Support Foundation Sunday, March 9 at 10:00 a.m.
We invite ALL CMI members who knit and/or crochet to participate in this new and rewarding project. Congregant Patti Garland will lead us as we create soft, comfortable prosthetics to be given free of charge to breast cancer survivors. To knit: please bring either Size 4 or 5 double pointed knitting needles. To crochet: please bring a Size G crochet hook. We will meet each month in conjunction with Chevra Hands meetings and knit/crochet independently. No experience is necessary - we will provide full instructions and guidance as well as the yarn. Please contact Patti Garland with any questions or concerns.
CMI Confronting Racism Special Event
Relics of Systemic Racism: The Ongoing Impact of Racially Restrictive Covenants and Redlining in Our Community
Sunday, March 9, 2:30 p.m. - IN PERSON AT CMI.
Do you have a racially restrictive covenant in the deed to your house? The deeds of more than 500 homes in Hamden, including many in Spring Glen, where CMI is located, include these covenants, which were blatant tools of segregation. It could be on your deed without you knowing about it. Although they are no longer enforceable, the legacies of the covenants and of redlining are playing out NOW in specific Hamden neighborhoods. For example, Black people who came north to the New Haven or Hamden for jobs during the Great Migration were limited to buying homes in certain neighborhoods. Today, many of their descendants’ homes in Newhall (southern Hamden) have crumbling foundations due to the dumping of industrial pollutants in that neighborhood, an example of environmental racism.
The Confronting Racism Planning Group, in partnership with CONECT housing activists, will help us grapple with how, as William Faulkner said, “The past is never dead. It’s not even past.” Join with other local congregations to hear about how the past is shaping the present and learn about opportunities to take action, including removing racially restrictive covenants from your deeds! We will be offering light snacks.
For more information, contact Karen Baar and for security purposes, please register in advance.
CMI Celebrates Purim
Friday, March 14
Arts & Apps at 5:00 p.m. followed by the Purim Spiel
Join us for our annual Arts & Appetizers and Purim Spiel! We hope that you can join us in costume to enjoy some appetizers, create some artistic treasures, have fun with your friends and follow it all up by watching the annual CMI Purim Spiel. Our very own CMI teens will provide an entertaining WICKED themed retelling of the Purim story. You don’t want to miss this spirited evening!
Purim Carnival Sunday, March 16 at 10:00 a.m. Join us for a morning of games and fun! Come in costume and ready to celebrate Purim!
2nd Annual Purim Brews n' Schmooze
Friday, March 14 immediately following the Purim Spiel
The Ritual Committee is excited to host the second Annual Purim Brews n' Schmooze. This adults-only event will take place on Friday March 14, following the Purim Spiel, at Twelve Percent Beer Project, 341 State Street, North Haven. You are welcome to bring some nosh for sharing. The brewery also has a limited food menu. Come in costume, if you wish!
This gathering is for Purim revelers 21 and older.
Life Is Delicious Sunday, March 16 at 10:00 a.m.
LID plans to cook/serve for both the main shelter and the Family Triage Center, so we will need two serving crews.
1. Shopping - 10:00
2. Set up CMI kitchen - noon
3. Cooking - 1:00-3:30
4. Clean up - 3:15-4:00
5. Load food for transport - 4:00
6. Serving at Columbus House - 4:30 - 6:00
Expressive Writing Workshop Wednesday, March 19, at 1:00 p.m.
Please join Amy Barry for the next session of this workshop. No previous writing experience is necessary and there is no charge. For planning purposes, please RSVP to Nancy Moss Racusin (nancymr@snet.net) in advance of each session. You may also contact Nancy with any questions or concerns. You can learn more Amy and her writing programs on her website: www.aimwrite-ct.net.
Chevra Hands Sunday, March 23 at 10:00 a.m.
Our dedicated group of quilt-makers, called Chevra Hands, makes shawls, baby blankets and lap blankets that we give to members of our congregation including newborns, people in the hospital and those who are home bound. Everyone is always welcome to join us. No experience necessary except a sense of humor. For more information, please contact Sue Millen (203-589-4052) or Lina Lawall (203) 215-9570).
Join Rabbi Schaefer or Rabbinic Intern Ellen VanDyke Bell on Saturday mornings 3/1, 3/8, 3/15, 3/22, 3/29 at 9:00 a.m. Please watch the E-News for updates. You can also check dates our online calendar.
* In perpetual memory
Sophie Lerner Bass Jack Belman Nathan Berke Pauline Bloom Mort Brozinsky Fred Fagelson Stanley A Fishbein Terry Fleischer * John J. Fox Monroe Frankenberger Robert Goldstein * Anna S. Gratenstein * Rhea Simkin Kaetz * Bruce B. Kauffman * Janet S. Kleinman * Moses Koizim Alice Kruger Esther (Estelle) Levinson Anna G. Levy * Mildred C. Liner * Rhoda Loeb Esther Margulies Hyman Mendelsohn * Nathan Merriam * Beatrice Rattner Milner Doug Moller Harold Seymour Roswig * Laurance E. Schoenberger * Isadore A. Schycon * Marion Breslav Silverberg * Isadore Sugenheimer * Emanuel Thalheimer Herbert Turkel * Maurice Vener Sholom Omi Waife, MD Milton Weiner Alan Robert Weiner * Irma Stein Weiss * Jack Zalon
March 7
Sylvia Kaufman Alterman Meta Arnopolsky Eli Baar Symmie Bachman Boris Bass Jennie Besser * Maxine Appell Born * Molly Braverman Walter Breslav Valija Brin Irene Burkholz Jack S. Chasin * Albert Chasin * Albert Chorney * Mortimer L. Cohn * Bertram M. Eager Gertrude Feldman Sadie Gelb Fisher * Marcelle Friedman * Irma Cohen Galer * Claire Geller Steiger Sam Gold Joseph Goldstein Edna Goldstein * Eunice Wasserman Gordon * Harold Greenbaum * Samuel F. Greenblatt Mildred Greenwald * Elizabeth Harris Benjamin Henchel * Irene Siegel Hillman Lowell D. Isenstadt * Frieda Katz Jack Kliger * Theodore I. Koskoff * Robert S. Krevit * Samuel Kryger Bessie M. Kushlan * Melvin Laubstein * Charlene Natovich Lavin Zelly Levine * William Mack, Jr. Irma Milstein Zelma Moss Elaine V. Orland * Alexander H. Perlman Leah Premark Albert Rogowski * Earl Rosenblum Shirley Salowitz Lawrence I. Sanders Bernard N. Schaefer Roberta Lurie Shapiro * Dr. Harvey A. Siegel Pearl Silverman Harry Silverman Richard Stone Theresa Strauss * Fred Ticotsky Rick Wallace * Fred Walman * Louis P. Weil * Lois Weiner James Welsch Rose W. Werzburg * Augusta Young Joel Zabin
March 14
William Barkin * Morris Baser * Nancy T. Berdon Jean C. Berdon Fanny Berger * Shirley Bernstein Peter Blackman * Charles Byer Fannie Calechman * David Caplan Joseph Chauser * Bernard Chazen Amy Goldman Cohen Gladys Cutler Eliezer Danishevsky * Santo (Sonny) Festa Sylvia Weller Fish Rachel S. Freedman * Elias Friedman Herman Robert Greenhouse * John J. Groves William J. Handleman * Elliott R. Katz * Max Kerman Cantor Sidney Kizer Ernest Klein * Clara Kleiner * Simon R. Lipsher * Fanny Lipton Henrietta Machol Max Mager * Moses Mann * Arthur Hesse Mendel * Isaac Mendelsohn * Isaac Newman * Gustave Osterweis * Marshall J. Rachleff * Simon Rosenberg * Leah Unger Serow * Simon B. Shoninger * Isadore G. Strauss * Robert Tiven Kurt Weiss * Franny Weiss Gladys Welsch Laura Zuckerman *
March 21
Samuel Abeshouse * Jack Beech Reyna Berman * Bendid Bruskin Myrna Cassin Nathan Cohen Barry Corper * Susan S. Darer Burton Richard Dunn Joseph Finkel Thelma W. Frankenberger * Harry Fribush Rose Goldstein Irving Goldstein Minna M. Gompertz * Elizabeth Graham Charles Grannick, Jr. * Rose Alterman Groopman Dr. Gene G. Haber * Henry Hahn William Hallo * Harold Harris Bernard Horwitz * Julius Jacobs * Jane Kalfus-Maine Robin Kalina Lisa Ann Kirsch * Norman Levine Lila Liner Melville W. Machol * Charles E. Marcus * Hyman Markle Maurice Milstone Lillian Moskovits Sam Rennert Roman Matthew Rifkin * Linda Rollo Gladys L. Rosenberg * Rachel Rosenthal Eddie Rosenthal Alan Schrank Bernard Shapiro * Jacob (Jack) A. Silver Harry Siperstein Joseph Sonnenberg * Emily Spiegel Eva Sterling Sylvia Stern * Pearl Bass Ticotsky Maurice B. Ullman * Malcolm Webber Arnold Werner Barbara Wolff Israel Zelitch
March 28
Joanne Lewis on the loss of her mother, Muriel Lewis Sarah Lewis-Stowe on the loss of her grandmother, Muriel Lewis Joan SHapiro on the loss of her sister, Judy Shapiro
In Sympathy
Nancy Osterweis Alderman
In Memoriam
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Contact Us
March 2025 Series 109 No. 7
785 Ridge Road, Hamden, CT 06517
Phone: (203) 288-3877 Fax: (203) 248-2148
Rabbi Daniel Schaefer x236 dschaefer@cmihamden.org
Rabbi Emeritus Herbert N. Brockman, Ph.D. D.D. x238 cmirabbi@cmihamden.org
Cantor Arthur Giglio x244 cantorg@cmihamden.org
Steven Jacober, Executive Director x241 sjacober@cmihamden.org
Michelle Goldstein, Religious School Director x237 mgoldstein@cmihamden.org
Jennifer Verrier, Early Childhood Director x246 jverrier@cmihamden.org
Alan J Sturtz, Ed.D, President president@cmihamden.org